About the food markets, neuronets and new media: in Moscow Dialogue for the sake of the future-2023] continues wor

@Fond Gorchakova
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6 dekabryaprogramma key conference Fonda began with a lektsiifedor Fedor Aleksandrovich Lukyanov, the editor-in-chief of the "Russia in Global Policy" magazine, the devoted globalization, to the new centers of force and concept of norm of the international relations. The expert characterized uniqueness of the multipolar global architecture which was formed today: Never there are a lot of countries, large, average and small, at the same time had no impact on events occurring in the world. Now significant players not less than two dozens, and even are more, and all differ from each other on culture of behavior and level of ambitions. Then passed...
Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Fedor Aleksandrovich Lukyanov
Last position: Chairman of presidium (Regional non-governmental organization "public "Sovet PO Vneshney I Oboronnoy Politike")
Aleksey Lvovich Nikolov
Last position: CEO (Independent noncommercial organization "TV-Novosti")
Lysenko Mikhail
Tamarovich Anton