VTB predicts growth of number of accounts of natural persons at the Moscow exchange with 30 to 40 million by 2026

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VTB predicts growth of number of accounts of natural persons at the Moscow exchange with 30 to 40 million by 2026 of VTB expects that by the end of 2023 the number of Russians with brokerage accounts at the Moscow exchange will exceed 30 million. Following the results of their November there were 29,2 million. The head of the block of corporate and investment business of VTB Vitaly Sergeychuk at a forum "Russia calls! " reported that, according to the bank forecast, by 2026 the number will exceed 40 million accounts. Photo: Buzhor Irina, the Kommersant Thus, by the end of the year brokerage accounts will be at 25% of adult population of Russia, and by 2026 — at 34%. VTB analysed experience developed and developing countries and considers...