All life — creation. To the 90 anniversary of professor Badmakhalgaev L. Ts.

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On December 8 to the Doctor of Economics, professor of chair of economic security, the account and finance of the Kalmyk state university of B. B. Gorodovikov Lagu Tsaganmandzhiyevichu Badmakhalgayevu 90 years are executed. The Log Tsaganmandzhiyevich in Kaspiysky Shokh the area Kalmyk was born 08.12.1933 the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1965 graduated from the Volgograd agricultural institute majoring in "Agronomics". Was trained in the correspondence postgraduate study of the All-Russian scientific research institute of rural economics in Moscow. The scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences is appropriated for...
Badma Katinovich Salaev
Last position: Rector (FGBOU VO "KALMGU")
Badmakhalgaev L. Ts.
Kaspiysky Shokh
Sangadzhiev V.