On December 8 in the history: that happened this day

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In Petersburg in 1832 at the initiative of the emperor Nikolay I the Nikolaev academy of the General Staff was founded. Today it is Military academy of the General Staff of Armed forces of the Russian Federation. In 1955 the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe approved the flag – a present flag of the European Union. This day, but in 1987, the goalkeeper of NHL club "Philadelphia Flayerz" Ron Khekstoll threw a washer in gate "Boston Bryuinz". Thereby he became the first goalkeeper in the history to which it managed to be made. And in 1999 in Moscow passed signing of the Contract on creation of the Union State of Russia and...
Alisa Freyndlikh
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Korotin Vyacheslav
Golbakh Anri
Odoevsky Alexander