"The deadly weapon 5" will start removing in 2024 — the scenario was written by the author of "A future side"

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A portal of World of Reel with reference to the insider Rikhtman Daniel write that shootings of the fifth part "Deadly weapon" start in 2024. As well as it was spoken in 2021, as the director Mel Kolm-Kille Dzherard Gibson will act. However, the director can have conflicts in the schedule as he is also assigned to continuation of "Christ's Passions" with a subtitle "Revival". The actor Dzheyms Patrik Kevizel-mladshy declared that shootings will begin at the beginning of 2024, but since then production faced a number of delays and scenario copyings. According to the same Rikhtman Daniel, final version of the scenario "Deadly weapon 5"...
Mel Kolm-Kille Dzherard Gibson (Mel Gibson)
Last position: Actor, film director, film producer, screenwriter
James Patrick Kevizel-mladshy
Last position: Actor
Rikhtman Daniel
Donner Richard
Glover Danny