The DNS retail network will make equipment at the former plant LG in Moscow area

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Soderzhaniyesobstvenniki Pokazateli of activity 2022: Growth of revenue by 6,2% and net profit - for 37,6% the History 2023 Production of Equipment at the former plant LG in Moscow area Soouchreditel of the Russian Association of Distributors and Importers Videoigr 2022 Data leakage of thousands of employees the Data leakage of clients and employees 2021: Entry into the market of Kazakhstan 2020 Growth of revenue to 514,3 billion rubles Why the co-owner of one of the largest retailers of Russia of DNS never will buy SAP: 6 reasons Orders from DNS started delivering 2019 in "Pyaterochkas": The retailer of equipment of DNS opened a network of grocery shops under a brand...