Udokansky copper became the winner of a prestigious award in the nomination "Break of Year"

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On December 6, 2023 at a ceremony in Moscow winners of an award "Future Company" were called. The award is carried out by the Kompaniya magazine since 1999. The applicants who have received the greatest number of points in vote of editorial council, online vote on a site of an award and expert vote of judges become winners. Among experts — the First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Ilya Torosov, the director of the department of strategic development and corporate policy of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Matushansky Aleksey, the director of the department of digital technologies...
Oleg Vyugin
Last position: Chairman of the supervisory board, Independent director (PJSC Moscow Exchange)
Vladimir Pozner
Last position: Host of the author's Posner program (JSC Channel One Russia)
Ilya Torosov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
Dimitri Nikitin
Last position: Director of the department of development of the industry of IT (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)