Crept out of a nest: court in Kotov will not consider claims the head to the local activist

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Volgograd, on December 7, LLC "FederalPress". Judge Kotovsk regional court took rejection not to consider case on an insult of the local official. "District court of the Kotovo district of the Volgograd region made the decision to refuse consideration of three claims chapters Kotovo district Sergei Chumakov to the local activist and the founder of the Public <10> Control <6> Cities of Kotovo telegram-channel Alexander Kasyanov", – reports the <4> Volgograd Online edition. However, the defender of the activist pointed to incompetence to court. Earlier on the same bases it was refused consideration of nine claims teachers of local schools who gave in...
Sergei Chumakov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Kotovsk)
Kabanov Yvan