Shootings serial detective stories "Sheep-dog" for Russia TV channel] came to the en

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The major of managements own safety polices Nesterova Anastasiya (Helena Podkaminskaya) for devotion to business and death grip of the colleague nicknamed the Sheep-dog. The train of dramatic events leads to that her chief Rebrov Oleg (Abashin Wladyslaw) with which Nesterova Anastasiya in the past connect not only business relations, sends Nesterova Anastasiya to business trip to the Russian remote place... In the provincial town during difficult game the major Nesterova Anastasiya appears under a sight of secret criminal group … And still for it wait the new impudent workmate Vorobyov (Yvan Konstantinovich Mulin), the new chief Yershov (Ivanov Andrey) and...