The ballerina Brzhozovskaya Ludmila ] die

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The national actress of Belarus which called "an ideal of the dancer", "the magician of movements", "the goddess of dance", was 77 years old of the Photo: archive of the Bolshoi theater of Belarus Brzhozovskaya Ludmila was one of the brightest stars of the Belarusian ballet scene for all its history: the very first Carmen, Eve, Neleh, Phrygia, Masha Loved in statements of Valentine Nikolaevich Yelizaryev "Carmen suite", "World creation", "Til Ulenshpigel", "Spartak", "Nutcracker", "the Snow-storm Carmine". About Brzhozovskaya Ludmila journalists and critics enthusiastically wrote. It called "an ideal of the dancer", "the magician of movements", "the goddess of dance". It...
Alexander Lukashenko
Last position: President of Republic of Belarus (President of the Republic Belarus)
Valentine Nikolaevich Yelizaryev
Last position: Artistic director (Bolshoi theater operas Belarus)
Brzhozovskaya Ludmila