The national actress Russian Federation Tatyana Vladimirov died at the age of 73 years

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Today on the 74th year of life the national actress Russian Federation Tatyana Vladimirov died. The press service reported theaters to Et Cetera to which the actress served 30 years about it. According to the playwright Alexander Mikhaylovich Purer whom quote in the message, Tatyana Vladimirov belonged to number of the few actresses, "knowing that such word, able to think and express all depth of thoughts which is given us by classical dramatic art". Tatyana Vladimirov was born on August 29, 1950. In 1973 graduated from School-Studio Mkhat, studied at Markov Vasilii Petrovich. Since 1993 Tatyana Vladimirov was an actress theaters Et Cetera...
Alexander Mikhaylovich Purer (Alexander Galin)
Last position: Playwright, screenwriter, director
Alexander Aleksandrovich Kalyagin
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moscow city theater "YETS")
Markov Vasilii Petrovich
Shkola-studiya Mkhat
Main activity:Culture and sports