Three parts of a formula of happiness from Davidovich Leo Landau and classification of women and bores

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Whom there was Davidovich Leo Landau, what contribution it made in the quantum theory, and also into what classes divided women and bores? Teorminimum Landau in a podcast "Speech" discuss Sergei Stillavin and Romanov Alexander. At the outstanding Soviet physicist-theorist, the academician and the winner of Nobel Prize, the favourite pupil Bore Nils, was an own formula of happiness. In it there were three components – science, love and communication. And to each business it allocated equal quantity of time. However, the physicist after all put work on the first place as considered work main in human life. The genius of classification allocated in life and...
Sergei Stillavin
Last position: The leader on Mayak radio station (VGTRK)
Davidovich Leo
Romanov Alexander
Bore Nils
Andreev Alexander
Main activity:Science and education