In Central China the earliest is revealed in the country an irrigational construction

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" Wuhan, 5 December/Xinhua / the Ancient dam age of 5 100 years with a reservoir and a spillway was recognized as the earliest irrigational construction known still in China. The dam %5C" Syuntszyalin%5s" is part of ruins %5C" Tsyuytszyalin%5s" who are located in Jingmen prov. Province of Hubei in Central China. It was constructed about 5 100 years ago on river Tsinmudankhe inflow, and is expanded both in height, and in width later, the employee told Institutes a cultural heritage and archeology prov. Province of Hubei Tao Ian. According to him, this dam had height of 2 m and length of 180 m. To the East from it was...