The revenue of the Nizhny Novgorod subway for last year made 577,6 million rubles

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The revenue of Megapixel "Nizhegorodskoe subway" for last year made 577,6 million rubles. It became known of it at meeting of the constant commission of Municipal duma on economy, the industry and business. The director Department economic development City administration Antipova Marina reported that Megapixel "Nizhegorodskie Bani" helped out in 2022 of 109,3 million rubles, and MEGAPIXEL "INZHENERNYYE SETI" — 81,3 million. Also Antipova Marina specified that the total amount of net profit of the municipal city enterprises following the results of 9 months 2023 made 12,4 million rubles that is 18,7% more, than for the similar period of 2022...
Antipova Marina
Plyaskin Sergei
MP "Nizhegorodskiye bath"
Main activity:Providing household services
Department economic development
Government Agency
City administration
Government Agency