The sum of contracts, concluded between JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT" (enters into GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH") and the countries of Africa, by the end of the year will exceed $5,2 billion. It was declared by director general Alexander Mikheyev

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The sum of contracts, concluded between JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT" (enters into GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH") and the countries of Africa, by the end of the year will exceed $5,2 billion. It was declared by director general Alexander Mikheyev. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT" conducts active military and technical cooperation with 80% of the countries of the region. The share of export to the countries of Africa in 2023 exceeded 30% of the total amount of deliveries JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT", and contracting of companies in the region following the results of a year will make more than $5,2 billion", – the press service of companies in connection with start in Egypt exhibitions EDEX 2023 quoted Alexander Mikheyev. "Rosoboronexport" chapter JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSOBORONEKSPORT"...