"Spit to me after". Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely declared that does not want to come back to Russian Federation because of criticism

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Magazine "StarHit": Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely the white does not want to come back to Russian Federation because of criticism in its party of information agency "RIA Novosti" the Actor Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely builds career from a blank sheet in Israel where moved more than a year ago. The actor admitted that does not want to come back to Russian Federation because of the people criticizing his anti-Russian position, wrote Magazine "StarHit". "I do not plan to come back. I will not be able to return to people who now spit to me after, say that to them became good and free without me" — declared Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bely. He noted that does not want to see people who "splashed a saliva and bile" in its address because of its flight abroad...