Sukachev Garik "SAShAShIShIN" passed the prime minister at the full notice

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The prime minister of performance Sukachev Garik "SAShAShIShIN" passed in "Contemporary" at the full notice. The following displays of performance will take place in December, January and in February. Audience theaters will be able to see statement Sukachev Garik on December 22 and 23 on the main scene of "Contemporary". Also performance is planned for January 10, 11 and 12. Earlier the correspondent of REN TV Maxim Prikhoda showed how there took place a premiere of new statement Sukachev Garik who became already the second at theater "Contemporary". The basis of performance was formed by the novel Nikolaenko Alexander "to Kill Bobrykina". Work was awarded the awards "Russian Booker" in 2017...
Petr Nalich
Last position: Vocalist of the "Music Band of Pyotr Nalich" group
Sukachev Garik
Nikolaenko Alexander
Gatstk named after S. V. Obraztsova
Main activity:Culture and sports