Bank AVV was declared "by Bank years" - the Photo 1 December - 14:56

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One of the most influential editions of the financial world the The Banker magazine announced the list of winners of an award "Bank years" for 2023. For achievements in strategic development, new technologies, release of products and providing services, and also for high financial performance bank AVV also received honor and was declared "by Bank years" Azerbaijan. On action, sostoyashemsya on November 30 in London, the award was handed over to the chairman of the board banks by AVV Ibragimov Abbas. Winners of an award "Bank years" for 2023 such known banks as HSBC, OTP Bank Group, UniCredit S. p. A Bank, BBVA are listed...
Ibragimov Abbas
Main activity:Finance
OTP Bank
Main activity:Finance
Main activity:Finance
Societe Generale
Main activity:Finance