The premiere of performance Sukachev Garik "SAShAShIShIN" took place in "Contemporary"

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The long-awaited premiere from Sukachev Garik took place in Moscow. The legendary musician who any more the first time acts as the director, presented the performance "SAShAShIShIN" in "Contemporary". To the audience gave the chance to look at the world eyes of the special child and to pass through itself his feelings. The team worked on performance the whole year. Details – in material the correspondent of REN TV Maxim Prikhoda. It gives the last parting words, takes a view of an empty hall and scenery. Before disappearing behind the coulisse, throws up a thumb up. Further for Sukachev Garik will tell it...
Petr Nalich
Last position: Vocalist of the "Music Band of Pyotr Nalich" group
Yvan Ivanovich Okhlobystin
Last position: Actor, film director, producer
Yegor Druzhinin
Last position: Actor, choreographer, theatrical director