Sakha (Yakutia) Republic invite businessmen to a round table concerning counteraction corruptions

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MINPRED SAKHA REPUBLIC for formation in intolerance business community to corruption behavior according to the Plan of the republican actions dated for the International day of fight against corruption (on December 9) within execution of the Art. of Art. 4, 8 of the Law of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic from 19.02.2009 668-Z No. 227-IV "About counteraction corruptions in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic", together with ADMINISTRATION OFFICE PRI GLAVE SAKHA (YAKUTIA) REPUBLIC PO PROFILAKTIKE KORRUPTSIONNYKH I INYKH PRAVONARUSHENY 06.12.2023 from 10.30 h. to the address: Yakutsk, pr...