To them on a podium! We admire cool little girls from the main ice-hockey team Chelyabinsk

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After this selection you will precisely want to descend on a match of "White she-bears" on December 1 to Russian Federation it is accepted to celebrate Day of hockey, and we could show today to you a selection of the handsome men playing for "Tractor". But in Chelyabinsk the third year comes to ice a women's team. And in it, believe, is for whom to be ill. So we brought together for you top-10 hockey players (some of them — though now on a podium). Narudinova Alina In 22-year-old Narudinova Alina difficult to a descent to distinguish attacking an ice-hockey team. Carefully, in such eyes it is possible and to drown! The girl in Chelyabinsk was born, but already managed to replace...
Artemy Panarin
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey
Victoria Kulishova
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
Narudinova Alina
Kazmin Semen
Matveeva Alina