Sallivan Dean] died a star of the British series "Bruksayd\

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Moscow, on November 30 - Argumenty i fakty. The British actor theaters, cinema and television Sallivan Dean died on November 29 at the age of 68 years. The last five years he struggled with an oncological disease. About it reports newspaper "The Guardian". "With deep grief we have to tell you that the actor Sallivan Dean peacefully died on November 29, 2023 after a short illness" — is spoken in the statement of a family of the actor. The edition reminds that Sallivan Dean graduated from Lankastersky university and was the teacher of initial schools before becoming the actor. The greatest popularity to it was brought by participation in the British soap opera...
 Anna Louisa Fril
Last position: Actress
Sallivan Dean
Berton Amanda
Vudvord Tim
Lankastersky university
Main activity:Science and education