Endoscopic surgery: rare finds and unexplored labyrinths of okolonosovy bosoms

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In clinic otorhinolaryngology of Isolated structural division "Nauchno-issledovatelsky klinichesky higher education institution pediatrii named after akademika Yu. Ye. Veltishcheva" Federalnogo gosudarstvennogo autonomnogo obrazovatelnogo uchrezhdeniya vysshego obrazovaniya "Rossiysky natsionalny issledovatelsky medical university named after N. I. Pirogov" ministry health care of the Russian Federation the vast experience of surgical treatment of pathology of a cavity of a nose and okolonosovy bosoms where enter as patients with routine pathology of this localization, and rare anomalies of a structure of bosoms, foreign matters and inflammatory processes with an atypical current is saved up. Otorhinolaryngologists told Institutes about non-standard cases in surgery of okolonosovy bosoms at children, and also about what challenges throws down to the expert the endoscopic surgery...