"It is not enough subsidies! ": The producer urged to allow students to shoot film "not for money"

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The head of independent labor union of actors theaters and cinema Denise Aleksandrovich Kiris on air Information company "Natsionalnaya sluzhba novostey" (NSN) noted that only the competition will allow film industries to develop. To Russian Federation it is necessary to revive the competition at cinema, for this purpose it is necessary to give the chance to people to remove "not for money", to provide to students a platform for an embodiment of the projects, the head of independent labor union of actors declared theaters and cinema, the Russian actor, prodyuserdenis the Kirisvpress-center of Information company "Natsionalnaya sluzhba novostey" (NSN). "The competition at us at cinema is absent. Also there is no it for the system reasons. We, on the one hand, have a state policy of support...