China never will forget Henry Alfred Kissindzher, declared embassy China to United States of America

@RIA Novosti
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Washington D.C., 30 Nov - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The Chinese people never will forget the ex-Secretary of State of United States of America Henry Alfred Kissindzher, his death became huge loss for the whole world, the press secretary of embassy China in Washington D.C. Lyu Penyuy declared Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". In the American state State of Connecticut at the age of 100 years died the former state secretary of United States of America Henry Alfred Kissindzher, one of the most noticeable American politicians who left a considerable trace in the history of diplomacy. Henry Alfred Kissindzher stood at the origins of normalization of the relations of United States of America and China, thanks to his efforts in 1972 the first visit of American took place...