The producer of fire trucks from Miass with help a state loan will enclose in development nearly 50 million rub

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Chelyabinsk. November 29. INTERFAX-URALS - LLC "URALPOZHZASHCHITA" (Miass, Chelyabinsk Region), the producer of fire equipment and the fire-prevention equipment, attracts a loan of Fund of development Chelyabinsk Region of 29,7 million rubles on implementation of the project on modernization of capacities, reported the press service of FRP of the region. The general budget the project - 48 million rubles. loans the enterprise will direct funds on purchase a complex of the laser sheet metals and pipes for performance of procuring operations are sharp. As the press service explains, now at production...
Rustam Rafikov
Last position: Chairman (Yanaul district district court Republic of Bashkortostan)
Yesina Tatyana