16 couples celebrities walked identical dresses. But added in them the unique charm

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In the fashion and show business world where identity and uniqueness play a key role, sometimes it is possible to notice the interesting phenomenon. Some celebrities choose identical or similar clothes style. And cases when stars decide "to synchronize" the images, not a rarity.  Anna Dello Russo and Seyfrid Amanda Sandra Annett Bullok both Brook Shields Tassiya Naves and Salma Valgarma Khayek Khimenes-Pino Emily Jean Stone and Lily Jane Kollinz Kate Gerri Khadson and Iris Mittenar Naomi Elaine Kempbell and Selin Marie Klodett Dion Pamela Deniz Anderson and Jennifer Shreyder Lourens Amanda Pete and Reychel Megan Markl Reychel Hannah Vays and Daisy Jones Edgar Kamila Keyroz and Izabella Khair Hadid Saldana Zoe and Kimberly Noel Kardashian Annali...