The former player of Voronezh "Work" Khodeev Rudolph] die

@De Facto
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The 85-year-old former player of Voronezh "Work" and judge all-Union category Khodeev Rudolph died. About it reported in regional Federatsiya futbola. "It had invaluable impact on development soccer in regions of the Chernozem region, and also Voronezh Region. Deeply we grieve together with the family of the dead. Eternal memory", – noted in Federatsiya futbola. In Voronezheushl from life professor of chair of mathematical methods of Research of operations faculty of applied mathematics, informatics and mechanics (PMM) the Voronezh state universities Baeva Nina. About it reported in Vgu.Prepodavatel...
Alexander Gusev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Voronezh region)
Gennady Shvyrkov
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal district Semiluksk of the Voronezh region)
Khodeev Rudolph
Baeva Nina