Deputies of ZSK raised funds for hearing aids for the child with relative deafness

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Melkin Miroslaw from Krasnodar was born with serious violation of hearing - the 4th degree of relative deafness, it is almost full deafness. To hear and learn the world, special devices worth more than 300 thousand rubles were necessary to the girl. History of the girl who since the birth practically hears nothing, the Good Edge charity foundation told on the site. Deputies of ZSK Nosov Sergei, Anton Tolstopyatov and the deputy of municipal duma Krasnodar Maxime Burlachko also were connected to collecting and completely it closed. On November 25 Melkin Miroslaw was 2 years. On the eve of a holiday parliamentarians reported to it...
Maxime Burlachko
Last position: Director of development, JSC METKOM and
Anton Tolstopyatov
Last position: CEO (LLC "Barsuk")
Melkin Miroslaw
Nosov Sergei
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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