Banks did not support idea about cancellation of the commissions for ZhKU payment – mass media

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The Russian banks saw risks in idea to cancel the commissions at payment of housing-and-municipal services (ZhKU) and suggested to raise them from resursosnabzhayushchy organizations instead of citizens. About it writes daily business newspaper "RBK daily" with reference to a response of National council on financial market (NP "NSFR") on the relevant bill of "United Russia" Party. The document was brought in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in February, 2020 by group of deputies from "United Russia" Party led by the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. The project forbade banks, to payment agents and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST RUSSIA" to raise from clients of the commission at ZhKU payment. Representatives of the financial organizations...