"Father" of the most ridiculous animated films] die

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The known director animator Tatarsky Alexander, the author of masterpieces of the Russian animation, died in the night of July 22. The death came from heart attack. He was 56 years old. director general reported Pilot studios about sad news which directed Tatarsky Alexander, - Igor Gelashvili. According to preliminary information, a funeral of the well-known animator will take place on Wednesday. The career Tatarsky Alexander began in 1968 at Kiyevnauchfilm studio: there it was occupied in creation of tens tapes thanks to what seized practically all professions connected with production of animated films...
Igor Gelashvili
Last position: CEO (LLC "Studio Pilot A. Tatarskogo")
Tatarsky Alexander
Khitruk Fedor
LLC "Studio Pilot A. Tatarskogo"
Main activity:Culture and sports