The national actress Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic  Anna Shatilova celebrates anniversary

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The congratulatory telegram to it was sent by the president Vladimir Putin. For many years  Anna Shatilova worked at the Central television of the USSR. Kept the News and Time programs, the Blue Spark broadcast, reportings with official actions. Today anniversary at the national actress Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic  Anna Shatilova. The congratulatory telegram to it was sent by the president Vladimir Putin. For many years  Anna Shatilova worked at the Central television of the USSR. Kept the News and Time programs, the Blue Spark broadcast, reportings with official actions. With  Anna Shatilova on Shabolovka, 37 met Litvinova Anastasiya...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Evgeny Aleksandrovich Kochergin
Last position: Announcer of "My joy" TV channel (NON-COMMERCIAL PARTNERSHIP "CONSUMER COOPERATIVE")
Tatyana Sudets
Last position: TV host, announcer of television
Litvinova Anastasiya