In Moscow will build the temple of the veteran organizations of participants of operations

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On November 24 the chairman of Synod department of charity, the head of Patriarchal humanitarian mission bishop Vereysky Panteleimon made a public prayer for the beginning of constructions the temple of an icon of the Mother of God "All grieving Pleasure" and the baptismal temple sshchmch. Ignatiy Antiokhiysky in park on Zelyony Avenue Moscow. By the decision Vladimir Gundyaev the temple was given the status of the main temple of the veteran organizations of participants of operations...
Vladimir Gundyaev (Kirill)
Last position: Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (The Russian Orthodox Church)
Tatyana Lototskaya
Last position: First deputy chairman (SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Rodin Victor
Suvorova Alexandra
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