Prosecutors began check after materials "Vestie Novosibirsk" about a fecal flood

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Prosecutor's office Berdsk Novosibirsk Region organized check after "Vestie Novosibirsk's" news about fetid streams which fill in sites on Solnechnaya Street. About it editions were reported the senior assistant prosecutor of the region on interaction from mass media by Manilova Darya. Before "Vestie Novosibirsk" told that sewerage spreading after the district disturbs locals nearly ten years. The equipment local sewer pump stations (KNS) became the reason of their troubles. It does not cope with a pressure of sewage which as a result come to light. The owner of KNS – local "Combine household...
Manilova Darya
"Household services center"
Municipal unitary enterprise "Combine bytovykh uslug"