Supervision of the collecting: than the order of the public prosecutor on initiation of tax affairs] is interestin

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The State Office of Public Prosecutor acted with explanations of an order of initiation of criminal cases under tax articles of the Criminal Code. Thus, the lawyer, the expert notes Institutes economy of growth of a name of Stolypin Dimitri Mikhaylovich Grigoriadi, having limited application not darling to business the 82nd article of the Tax code allowing tax specialists to transfer materials in investigating authorities in the accelerated order, the State Office of Public Prosecutor relied on other means of coercion — immediate sanctions on arrest of property taxpayers the Published order of the general prosecutor Igor Krasnov No. 736 "About the organization of public prosecutor's supervision for...
Igor Krasnov
Last position: Attorney-General (General prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation)
Dimitri Mikhaylovich Grigoriadi
Last position: The chief of staff of the public ombudsman on protection of the rights of the businessmen who are held in custody
Manzyuk Alexander