In Simferopol at the initiative of inhabitants solemnly opened a memorial plate to Yermak Valery Fedorovich: VIDEO

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Photo: TG-channel of administration of Simferopol, Video: TG-channel of administration of Simferopol of Video: Today in the Crimean capital at the initiative of residents the ceremony of opening of a memorial plate to Yermak Valery Fedorovich – to the known Crimean politician took place, reported in the city administration press service. The memorial plate is located on a wall of one of houses on the street of Kuibyshev where for 20 years there lived the town governor. Yermak Valery Fedorovich was the honourable citizen of Simferopol and is awarded by many state and public awards. It made a lot of things for a development of the city and improvement...
Victor Nikolaevich Ageev
Last position: Chairman of the board (OF THE SIMFEROPOL CITY CITY COUNCIL)
Yermak Valery Fedorovich