"A city rhythm" No. 46(967) of 22.11.2023 - "55 on a range"

@Institut spektroskopii RAN
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55 on a range Date of basis of Institute of spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences is precisely known. On November 29, 1968 there was a resolution of Presidium of Academy of Sciences of the USSR on reorganization of Laboratory of the Commission on spectroscopy of Academy of Sciences of the USSR in separate scientific research institute. This year ISAN celebrates the 55 anniversary. Celebrated anniversary on November 16 "55 – nonconventional age for celebration therefore also celebration will not be traditional, – the director of institute Zadkov Victor speaks. – We decided to carry out it shortly and efficiently. To make a scientific seminar where we briefly will state results of the last years at institute. And in the second part about the achievements will tell...