"Also spat to me in a face". The governor of Altai from the 90th – about hatred to the power, the first elections, Boris Yeltsin and hopes

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"My generation of the 1990th had to pass through the most terrible – through hatred of people to the power", - vospominayet Leo Aleksandrovich Korshunov, the governor Altai Territory in 1994-1996. These years were a hard time for the country: many simply did not understand how to survive. At the same time it was time of hopes and belief in the better future. About that, on what people and why the USSR collapsed hoped, the 1990th Lev Aleksandrovich reflects on policy and politicians in altapress.ru interview. The first two parts of conversation can be read here and here. The state and society - Lev Aleksandrovich, you the witness of an era, the participant of many events...