Long-awaited kid: the Kazan doctors helped to give birth to the child to the woman after heavy heart operation

@Tatarstan 24
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The inhabitant of Kazan fought for the right to become mother. In the RKB perinatal center the woman on whom the attention of doctors and scientists is now riveted gave rise. This case unique. The inhabitant of Kazan Ksenia passed a long painful way, she fought for the right to become mother. Because of heart disease the woman underwent the hardest operation during pregnancy, and then fell into the deepest depression, having learned that her child during operation was lost. Then doctors of the perinatal center took it under the control, having promised that she nevertheless becomes a mother. The long-awaited kid was born. "When the child strongly began to cry, I not...
Raphael Shavaliev
Last position: Chief physician (GAUZ "RKB MZ RT")