OpenAI reported about return Samuel Kh. Altman on a post of the general director

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The developer ChatGPT Samuel Kh. Altman will return on a post of the general director of the OpenAI company. Representatives of corporation reported on November 22 about it. "We reached the basic agreement that Samuel Kh. Altman will return to OpenAI as the director general" — is spoken in the company message in a social network of X (byvsh. Twitter)...
Samuel Kh. Altman (Sam Altman)
Last position: CEO (OpenAI)
Adam D'Angelo
Last position: Cofounder, CEO (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Bret Taylor
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (Twitter Inc)
Satya Nadella
Last position: Director general (Microsoft)
Sammers Larry