The Vladimir bread-baking complex summed up the stock "First grader" results

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The Vladimir bread-baking complex summed up the stock "First grader" results. In regional Philharmonic hall 26 creative competitions "First grader" summed up the results. Action of the annual will organize and carries out the Vladimir bread-baking complex. Details in our plot. Gold Kolobok - now the first grader. The symbol of the Vladimir bread-baking complex visited space, took a walk in the region. And here sits down at a school desk. Kiselev Artem - the pupil 1 "A" classes of the second Vladimir school. Hand-made article did together with a family. For Kiselyov' collective work awarded with valuable presents. Kiselev Artem first grader of school No. 2 (Vladimir Alekseevich Lyalin): - My Kolobok...