The program of performance of orders of voters in Krasnodar is realized completely

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Work of deputies of City Council of Krasnodar is more often shined in a wide public field when people's deputies discuss and make the decisions defining life of the regional capital. But it is only one of the parties of their activity. The most important task — upholding of interests of citizens — is based on continuous communication with inhabitants, performance of orders of voters, the solution of sore problems, strategic planning of development of the territory and many other. The municipal deputy — it first of all the business executive who has to do everything possible that Krasnodar became even more beautiful, safer...
Vera Galushko
Last position: Deputy, Chairman (Krasnodar City Council)
Maxime Burlachko
Last position: Director of development, JSC METKOM and
Svetlana Bessarab
Main activity:Politician
Nikolai Valuev
Last position: The deputy, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on ecology and environmental control (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)