The ex-head of management of SK Maksimenko Mikhail is found dead in a colony: that is known

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To Nizhny Novgorod Region Maksimenko Mikhail – the former head of own safety of Committee of inquiry is found dead. His body found in a colony for the former staff of law enforcement agencies. Let's remind, Maksimenko Mikhail there served sentence for corruption – it arrested in 2016, and in 4 years condemned for 14 years. That became a cause of death – in a plot of the correspondent of REN TV Almakaev Khairbek. Being on a dock, the person involved in one of the most resonant corruption affairs in the power block Maksimenko Mikhail to the last denied fault. And on the appeal of a sentence declared...
Alexander Aleksandrovich Drymanov
Main activity:Official
Maksimenko Mikhail
Almakaev Khairbek
Kochuykov Andrey