"For the success it is necessary to fight": residents of Chelyabinsk met with known theatrical and the film director Dimitri Astrakhan

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At the Chelyabinsk drama theater - big tours. The South Ural scene accepts the well-known troupe "Schools of the Modern Play". Yesterday, on November 20, residents of Chelyabinsk could communicate to the art director of the Moscow theater Dimitri Astrakhan. How there took place a creative meeting, the correspondent of Ural — a Press Inform news agency tells. "I now will tell something to you. If it becomes boring, we will include video", - so, smiling, began conversation with the Chelyabinsk viewer the actor and the director Dimitri Astrakhan. In three hours of conversation of video did not include. For only a few seconds distance between "the capital inhabitant of heaven" and...
Dimitri Astrakhan
Last position: Film director, theatrical director, actor, TV host
Ostrovsky Alexander
Tovstonogov Georgy
Tikhomirov Roman