Volkhina Arina from Udmurtia] became the prize-winner of the international competition

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Twice she got up on a prize pedestal of superiority of the world on a greppling. Two medals were won by Volkhina Arina on superiority of the world in Moscow. Competitions came to the end on November 19. Fighters participated in them from India, Norway, Serbia, Algeria, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia and Russia. About it it is reported on electronic resources of the ministry of physical culture and sport of Udmurtia. Volkhina Arina — the pupil of academy of single combats "Viktori Tim" in Votkinsk. Victor Aleksandrovich Bobrov trains the sportswoman. Silver medal the sportswoman won in discipline a greppling (fight...