1913. Pegasus-grandfather electrotheatre of rosskiysky film distribution

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In Moscow opened "Electro - theater", Khanzhonkov Alexander (the House Khanzhonkov Alexander) - one of the first Moscow movie theaters. Since the end of the 30th years, having replaced three names ("Pegasus", "Horn", "Mezhrabp"), the House Khanzhonkov Alexander received the name "Moscow", having become not only favourite movie theater of Muscovites, but also a peculiar show-window of capital hire...
Helena Valyushkina
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Leonid Yarmolnik
Last position: Actor, TV host, film producer
Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky
Last position: Film director, actor, theatrical director, screenwriter, film producer
Ieva Andreevayte
Last position: Actress