Catherine Elizabeth Middlton declared an important event in a sweater for 20 thousand rubles

@HELLO! Russia
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/ The British monarchs the Princess of Wales again will hold Christmas service in Westminster abbey. Photo: social networks Text: HELLO! > Tags: Catherine Elizabeth Middlton Prints William Prints William George Printsessa Prints Charlotte Louis Monarkhi Rozhdestvo comes back to London! And together with it and traditional festive service Westminster abbey in which the third year there pass under patronage Catherine Elizabeth Middlton. This year it will take place on December 8 and Catherine Elizabeth Middlton "Shaping Us" started in January of this year and urged to emphasize the importance of the first years of life of the child will reflect campaign. About it some minutes ago...
Catherine Elizabeth Middlton
Main activity:Public figure
Adam Mitchell Lambert
Last position: Singer, actor
Prints William
Prints Charlotte
Knight Beverly