Once again sentence for assignments was appealed by the ex-head of the Voronezh higher education institution Sergei Aleksandrovich Kolodyazhny

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In Lenin district court of Voronezh the appeal of protection of the former rector of the Voronezh state technical university Sergei Aleksandrovich Kolodyazhny arrived. He was condemned for 7,5 years of imprisonment in a standard regime penal colony for assignment of money. The appeal is made about a sentence of district court and the decision of appeal instance. "Businessman Chernozem region" reports about it. Earlier Korchagina Oksana, the lawyer Sergei Aleksandrovich Kolodyazhny, the former rector of VGTU who was condemned for fraud, submitted the petition for replacement of the rest of its punishment for forced hard labor. In Voronezh...
Sergei Aleksandrovich Kolodyazhny
Main activity:Politician
Roman Zhogov
Last position: Chairman of Committee on local government, public relations and means of mass communications (Regional Duma of Voronezh )
Korchagina Oksana
Provotorova Alexandra