Penalty for failure of shootings, stroke of the wife: as now there lives the actor Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov
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Photo: Kormilitsyna Christina / RIA Novosti news agency the Actor Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov the Actor and the TV host Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov began to appear recently less often on screens and public actions. How now there lives a star of the movie "Features of National Hunting", than it is engaged? That Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov were known of private life is married three times. The woman by the name of Natalya was his first spouse, in marriage with it the son Grigory was born. From the actress Simonova Helena at it are two children — Fedor and Arseny. The third time of Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov married in 2007. The theatrical director Belinskaya Paulina became his darling. Couple brings up...
Victor Nikolaevich Bychkov
Last position: Actor
Kormilitsyna Christina
Simonova Helena
Belinskaya Paulina
Mayshev Aleksey