Pokrov Khram Pokrov Khram the Blessed Virgin in Filyakh opened after restorations

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The church was constructed by Naryshkin Leo Kirillovich, Peter I native uncle, in the 1690th years. restoration the temple of Pokrov Khram the Blessed Virgin in Filyakh, constructed is complete at Peter I. Moscow Government allocated 360 million rubles for restoration. About history of church and its return to life – Shuster Anna. These are final strokes of restorations Pokrov Khram the Blessed Virgin in Filyakh. 80% of a bricklaying – original. The church was constructed by Naryshkin Leo Kirillovich, Peter I native uncle, in the 1690th years. During Streletsky revolt two brothers Naryshkin Leo Kirillovich were lost. Then he vowed: if...